MoorDyn Wrappers and Drivers

The following discussion explains how to drive MoorDyn-C using a driver function. MoorDyn-F contains a driver script that has a separate input file and MoorDyn-F compiles in OpenFAST as moordyn_driver. The MoorDyn-F driver follows all the same principles as the examples below. See compiling and inputs sections for instructions on how to use the MoorDyn-F driver.

Currently MoorDyn-C v2 can be used in Python, C/C++, Fortran, and Matlab. You can read more on how to install MoorDyn for each different language in the compiling documentation.

All the wrappers are built off the C API which can be found in the MoorDyn2.h file, so it is the best place to find a list of available functions.

For MoorDyn to be run, it needs a driver script written in one of the compatible languages using the corresponding wrapper. MoorDyn-C v2 allows for multiple instances of MoorDyn to be run simultaneously, while MoorDyn-F v2 and MoorDyn-C/F v1 only allow once instance at a time. Any driver function will call at least the following MoorDyn functions:

  • Create - MoorDyn-C v2 only

  • Initialize (r, rd)

  • Step (r, rd, t ,dt)

  • Close

The initialize function takes the state vectors at time 0 and sets up MoorDyn for a time series simulation. It will also find the steady state of the system if the input file calls for it. The r and rd vectors in theinitalize function represent the inital status of the system and should match what is defined in the input file.

The step function takes the state vectors (r - positions and rd - time dervative of r) at a given time, the time, and the time step size. The step function will integrate MoorDyn the ammount you provide with dt. If dt > dtM, then MoorDyn will substep using dtM as the internal timestep to integrate one dt timestep. If dt < dtM then MoorDyn will use dt as the internal timestep to integrate one dt timestep. The value of rd is assumed constant for the dt timestep, as well as the derived acceleration (relevant for the inertial response of coupled objects). For that reason, dt should be set as small as possible to achieve a reasonable runtime.

The close function clears up memory and safely destroys the MoorDyn system.

For both the step and the initialize functions, the input state vector size needs to correspond to the DOF of the coupled object or objects. The input vector is 1D with a length of: degree of freedom of coupled object * number of coupled objects. If you have multiple different types of coupled objects then the order in the state vector is body (6 DOF), rod (6 DOF), and then points (3 DOF). The same order applies for the state derivative input vector, with each value being the time derivative of the respective value. The degrees of freedom are as follows (all relative to the global reference frame):

  • Bodies and cantilevered/coupled Rods: cartesian positions followed by the Euler angles relative to the global reference frame.

  • Pinned bodies and rods: cartesian positions relative to the global reference frame.

  • Coupled points: cartesian positions relative to the global reference frame.

For example, the state vector for a coupled body and coupled point would be:

[ x1, y1, z1, roll1, pitch1, yaw1, x2, y2, z2 ]

The state derivative vector represents the time derivate of the values in the state vector. It is multiplied by the internal timestep to get the new positions of the system. For rotational degrees of freedom the state derivative is time derivatives of the angles. The rotation matrix in both MD-F and MD-C used to describe the objects orientation is given by R = X(roll)Y(pitch)Z(yaw). In the examples below, the state vector is referred to as x and the state derivative as xd.

Driving MoorDyn-C v1 is a similar process as MoorDyn v2. MoorDyn-C v1 has no built in couplings and needs to be driven based on the C API in the MoorDyn.h file. An example on how to do this in python is provided at the end of the python section.

Note: For coupled pinned bodies and rods the state vector still needs to be size 6, and MoorDyn will just ignore the rotational values provided.

MoorDyn-C Coupling

MoorDyn-C can be compiled as a dynamically linked library with C bindings or a more sophisticated API functions and wrappers, making it accessible from a wide range of programming languages.


If you have pip installed MoorDyn then you are good to go. If not, see the compiling section for instructions on how to pip install the python module, how to compile the python module locally (CMake compile method), or how to compile a library that is called from python (simple library compile method).

We can start considering the following example, consisting of 3 lines anchored at the seabed connected to 3 coupled fairleads that we control:

import moordyn

system = moordyn.Create("Mooring/lines.txt")

# 3 coupled points x 3 components per point = 9 DoF
xd = [0] * 9
# Get the initial positions from the system itself
x = []
for i in range(3):
    # 4 = first fairlead id
    point = moordyn.GetPoint(system, i + 4)
    x = x + moordyn.GetPointPos(point)

# Setup the initial condition
moordyn.Init(system, x, xd)

# Make the points move at 0.5 m/s to the positive x direction
for i in range(3):
    xd[3 * i] = 0.5
t, dt = 0.0, 0.5
f = moordyn.Step(system, x, xd, t, dt)

# Print the position and tension of the line nodes
n_lines = moordyn.GetNumberLines(system)
for line_id in range(1, n_lines + 1):
    print("Line {}".format(line_id))
    line = moordyn.GetLine(system, line_id)
    n_nodes = moordyn.GetLineNumberNodes(line)
    for node_id in range(n_nodes):
        print("  node {}:".format(node_id))
        pos = moordyn.GetLineNodePos(line, node_id)
        printf("  pos = {}".format(pos))
        ten = moordyn.GetLineNodeTen(line, node_id)
        printf("  ten = {}".format(ten))

# Alright, time to finish!

In Python the functions trigger exceptions if errors are detected. Python can stop execution when an error is detected using a try:

import moordyn

system = moordyn.Create("Mooring/lines.txt")
except Exception:

So you can assert that the resources are always correctly released, no matter if the code worked properly or exceptions were triggered.

MoorDyn-C v1 and v2 can also be run in python using the C API with the use of the ctypes library. Below is an example of this on MacOS with MoorDyn compiled as a simple library, assuming a stationary coupled body:

import ctypes
import numpy as np

rootname = 'lines'
extension = '.txt'
path = 'Mooring/'
tMax = 25.0
dtM = 0.001
time = np.arange(0, tMax, dtM)
vector_size = 6 # 6DOF coupled object
size = (len(time), vector_size)

#specifying correct dtypes for conversion to C types
x = np.zeros(size, dtype = float)
xd = np.zeros(size, dtype = float)

dylib_path = 'MoorDyn/compile/DYLIB/libmoordyn2.dylib'
filename = path+rootname+extension

# Double vector pointer data type
double_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)

# -------------------- load the MoorDyn DYLIB ---------------------
# Make MoorDyn function prototypes and parameter lists (remember, first entry is return type, rest are args)
MDInitProto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double*vector_size), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double*vector_size), ctypes.c_char_p) #need to add filename option here, maybe this c_char works? #need to determine char size
MDStepProto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double*vector_size), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double*vector_size), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double*vector_size), double_p, double_p)
MDClosProto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int)

MDInitParams = (1, "x"), (1, "xd"), (1, "infilename") # 1 flag is input, 2 flag is output
MDStepParams = (1, "x"), (1, "xd"), (2, "f"), (1, "t"), (1, "dtC")

MDdylib = ctypes.CDLL(dylib_path) #load moordyn dylib

MDInit = MDInitProto(("MoorDynInit", MDdylib), MDInitParams)
MDStep = MDStepProto(("MoorDynStep", MDdylib), MDStepParams)
MDClose= MDClosProto(("MoorDynClose", MDdylib))

# ------------------------ run MoorDyn ---------------------------
# initialize some arrays for communicating with MoorDyn
t  = double_p()    # pointer to t

# parameters
dtC = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double(dtM))
infile = ctypes.c_char_p(bytes(filename, encoding='utf8'))

# initialize MoorDyn at origin
print("MoorDyn initialized - now performing calls to MoorDynStep...")

# loop through coupling time steps
for i in range(len(time)):
   t = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double(time[i]))
   MDStep((x[i,:]).ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double*vector_size)), (xd[i,:]).ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double*vector_size)), t, dtC)
print("Succesffuly simulated for {} seconds - now closing MoorDyn...".format(tMax))

# close MoorDyn simulation (clean up the internal memory, hopefully) when finished

Notes on the Python C API:

  • The C API includes support for the v1 and v2 API. This example uses the v1 API (MoorDyn.h in v1 and v2). A similar approach could be taken for the v2 API found in the C API section and also in the MoorDyn2.h file.

  • The available functions can be found in the MoorDyn.h files.
    • These functions are declared in the following way:

    functionPROTO = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, <function inputs>)
      functionParams = (1, "<input>"), (2, "<output>") # a tuple of tuples where each item in the function inputs list is given an input (1) or output (2) flag
    function = functionPROTO(("<function name from C API>", MDdylib), functionParams)
  • Using this method does not call the create function because the v1 API does not allow for simultaneous MoorDyn instances.

  • The initialize function is MDInit.

  • MoorDyn functions require C data types as inputs.


The easiest way to link MoorDyn to your C/C++ project is using CMake. The following Is a code snippet where MoorDyn is included in a project with only a C source code file named example.c:

CMake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.10)
project (myproject)

find_package (MoorDyn REQUIRED)

add_executable (example example.c)
target_link_libraries (example MoorDyn::moordyn)

CMake itself will take care of everything. In the example.c file you only need to include the MoorDyn2.h header and start using the C API, as it is discussed in the coupling documentation.

#include <moordyn/MoorDyn2.h>

int main(int, char**)
   MoorDyn system = MoorDyn_Create("Mooring/lines.txt");

The same CMake code for C is equally valid for C++. In your C++ code you must remember to start by including the MoorDyn configuration header and then the main header, i.e.

#include <moordyn/Config.h>
#include <moordyn/MoorDyn2.hpp>

int main(int, char**)
   auto system = new moordyn::MoorDyn("Mooring/lines.txt");
   delete system;

It is recommended to use CMake to link MoorDyn into your project (see “Compiling”), although it is not strictly required. For instance, if you installed it in the default folder in Linux, you just need to add the flag “-lmoording” while linking (either with GCC or CLang).

Below you can find the equivalent example discussed above for the Moordyn python module, this time developed in C:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <moordyn/MoorDyn2.h>

int main(int, char**)
    int err;
    MoorDyn system = MoorDyn_Create("Mooring/lines.txt");
    if (!system)
        return 1;

    // 3 coupled points x 3 components per point = 9 DoF
    double x[9], xd[9];
    memset(xd, 0.0, sizeof(double));
    // Get the initial positions from the system itself
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        // 4 = first fairlead id
        MoorDynPoint point = MoorDyn_GetPoint(system, i + 4);
        err = MoorDyn_GetPointPos(point, x + 3 * i);
        if (err != MOORDYN_SUCCESS) {
            return 1;

    // Setup the initial condition
    err = MoorDyn_Init(system, x, xd);
    if (err != MOORDYN_SUCCESS) {
        return 1;

    // Make the points move at 0.5 m/s to the positive x direction
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        xd[3 * i] = 0.5;
    double t = 0.0, dt = 0.5;
    double f[9];
    err = MoorDyn_Step(system, x, xd, f, &t, &dt);
    if (err != MOORDYN_SUCCESS) {
        return 1;

    // Print the position and tension of the line nodes
    unsigned int n_lines;
    err = MoorDyn_GetNumberLines(system, &n_lines);
    if (err != MOORDYN_SUCCESS) {
        return 1;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_lines; i++) {
        const unsigned int line_id = i + 1;
        printf("Line %u\n", line_id);
        MoorDynLine line = MoorDyn_GetLine(system, line_id);
        if (!line) {
            return 1;
        unsigned int n_nodes;
        err = MoorDyn_GetLineNumberNodes(line, &n_nodes);
        if (err != MOORDYN_SUCCESS) {
            return 1;
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_nodes; j++) {
            printf("  node %u:\n", j);
            double pos[3], ten[3];
            err = MoorDyn_GetLineNodePos(line, j, pos);
            if (err != MOORDYN_SUCCESS) {
                return 1;
            printf("  pos = [%g, %g, %g]\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
            err = MoorDyn_GetLineNodeTen(line, j, ten);
            if (err != MOORDYN_SUCCESS) {
                return 1;
            printf("  ten = [%g, %g, %g]\n", ten[0], ten[1], ten[2]);

    // Alright, time to finish!
    err = MoorDyn_Close(system);
    if (err != MOORDYN_SUCCESS)
        return 1;

    return 0;

In the example above everything starts calling

MoorDyn DECLDIR MoorDyn_Create(const char *infilename)

Creates a MoorDyn instance.

At the time of creating a new MoorDyn instance, the input file is read and all the objects and structures are created. You must call afterwards MoorDyn_Init() to compute the initial conditions


infilename – The input file, if either NULL or “”, then “Mooring/lines.txt” will be considered


The mooring instance, NULL if errors happened

and checking that it returned a non-NULL system. A NULL system would mean that there were an error building up the system. You can learn more about the error in the information printed on the terminal.

In C requires explicit type names, while in C++ you can be more abstract, i.e. you can do something like this:

auto system = MoorDyn_Create("Mooring/lines.txt");
auto line = MoorDyn_GetLine(system, 1);

The next step is initializing the system, which computes the static solution if the TmaxIC flag in the options section is greater than 0. This requires the position of the coupled fairleads.

MoorDynPoint DECLDIR MoorDyn_GetPoint(MoorDyn system, unsigned int c)

Get a point.

  • system – The Moordyn system

  • c – The point


The point instance, NULL if errors happened

int DECLDIR MoorDyn_GetPointPos(MoorDynPoint point, double pos[3])

Get the position of a point.

  • point – The Moordyn point

  • pos – The output position


MOORDYN_SUCCESS If the data is correctly set, an error code otherwise (see Errors reported by MoorDyn)

The C API always returns either an object or an error code:

group moordyn_errors_c



Successfully dispatched task.


Invalid input file path.


Invalid output file path.


Invalid input in the input file.


NaN detected.


Memory errors, like filures allocating memory.


Invalid values.


Invalid values.


Unhandled error.

Thus, you can always check that everything properly worked.

With the information of the initial positions of the fairlead, you can initialize MoorDyn:

int DECLDIR MoorDyn_Init(MoorDyn system, const double *x, const double *xd)

Compute the initial condition of a MoorDyn system.

At the time of creating a new MoorDyn instance, the input file is read and all the objects and structures are created. You must call afterwards MoorDyn_Init() to compute the initial conditions


MoorDyn_NCoupledDOF() can be used to know the number of components required for x and xd

  • system – The Moordyn system

  • x – Position vector (6 components per coupled body or cantilevered rod and 3 components per pinned rod or coupled point)

  • xd – Velocity vector (6 components per coupled body or cantilevered rod and 3 components per pinned rod or coupled point)


MOORDYN_SUCESS If the mooring system is correctly initialized, an error code otherwise (see Errors reported by MoorDyn)

Afterwards you can run MoorDyn by calling:

int DECLDIR MoorDyn_Step(MoorDyn system, const double *x, const double *xd, double *f, double *t, double *dt)

Runs a time step of the MoorDyn system.


MoorDyn_NCoupledDOF() can be used to know the number of components required for x, xd and f

  • system – The Moordyn system

  • x – Position vector

  • xd – Velocity vector

  • f – Output forces

  • t – Simulation time

  • dt – Time step


MOORDYN_SUCESS if the mooring system has correctly evolved, an error code otherwise (see Errors reported by MoorDyn)

In this example, we are just calling it once. In a more complex application the function will be called in a loop over a time series. In the API there are a number of functions that can return information at each timestep that can be implemented in more complex drivers. The full list of functions can be found in the C API section.

It is important to close the MoorDyn system, so that the allocated resources are released:

int DECLDIR MoorDyn_Close(MoorDyn system)

Releases MoorDyn allocated resources.


system – The Moordyn system


MOORDYN_SUCESS If the mooring system is correctly destroyed, an error code otherwise (see Errors reported by MoorDyn)


This is not to be confused with MoorDyn-F, which relies on modules within the openFAST library. MoorDyn-F when compiled includes a driver function with its own driver input file.

This coupling packages MoorDyn-C to be used in standalone Fortran projects. Linking the Fortran wrapper of MoorDyn-C is almost the same as linking the C library. For instance, if you have a Fortran project consisting of a single source code file, example.f90, then you can compile the driver with the following CMake code:

CMake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.10)
project (myproject)

find_package (MoorDyn REQUIRED)

add_executable (example example.f90)
target_link_libraries (example MoorDyn::MoorDyn-F)

Please, note that now you are linking against MoorDyn::MoorDyn-F (not the same as the MoorDyn-F in OpenFAST).

Here is the same example from above, displayed in Fortran:

program main
  use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: real64
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_associated
  use moordyn

  character(len=28) :: infile
  real(real64), allocatable, target :: x(:)
  real(real64), allocatable, target :: xd(:)
  real(real64), allocatable, target :: f(:)
  real(real64), allocatable, target :: r(:)
  real(real64) :: t, dt
  integer :: err, n_dof, n_points, i_point, n_lines, i_line, n_nodes, i_node
  type(c_ptr) :: system, point, line

  infile = 'Mooring/lines.txt'

  system = MD_Create(infile)
  if ( .not.c_associated(system) ) then
    stop 1
  end if

  err = MD_NCoupledDOF( system, n_dof )
  if ( err /= MD_SUCESS ) then
    stop 1
  elseif ( n_dof /= 9 ) then
    print *,"3x3 = 9 DOFs were expected, not ", n_dof
  end if

  allocate ( x(0:8) )
  allocate ( xd(0:8) )
  allocate ( f(0:8) )
  allocate ( r(0:2) )
  xd = 0.0
  f = 0.0

  ! Get the positions from the points
  err = MD_GetNumberPoints( system, n_points )
  if ( err /= MD_SUCESS ) then
    stop 1
  elseif ( n_points /= 6 ) then
    print *,"6 points were expected, not ", n_points
  end if
  do i_point = 1, 3
    point = MD_GetPoint( system, i_point + 3 )
    if ( .not.c_associated(point) ) then
      stop 1
    end if
    err = MD_GetPointPos( point, r )
    if ( err /= MD_SUCESS ) then
      stop 1
    end if
    do j = 1, 3
      x(3 * i + j) = r(j)
    end do
  end do

  err = MD_Init(system, x, xd)
  if ( err /= MD_SUCESS ) then
    stop 1
  end if

  t = 0
  dt = 0.5
  err = MD_Step(system, x, xd, f, t, dt)
  if ( err /= MD_SUCESS ) then
    stop 1
  end if

  ! Print the position and tension of the line nodes
  err = MD_GetNumberLines(system, n_lines)
  if ( err /= MD_SUCESS ) then
    stop 1
  end if
  do i_line = 1, n_lines
    print *,"Line ", i_line
    print *, "======="
    line = MD_GetLine(system, i_line)
    err = MD_GetLineNumberNodes(line, n_nodes)
    do i_node = 0, n_nodes - 1
      print *,"  node ", i_node, ":"
      err = MD_GetLineNodePos(line, i_node, r)
      print *,"  pos = ", r
      err = MD_GetLineNodeTen(line, i_node, r)
      print *,"  ten = ", r
    end do
  end do

  err = MD_Close(system)
  if ( err /= MD_SUCESS ) then
    stop 1
  end if

  deallocate ( x )
  deallocate ( xd )
  deallocate ( f )
  deallocate ( r )

end program main

It is very similar to the C code, although the functions have a different prefix. All the objects (the simulator, the points, the lines…) take the type type(c_ptr), from the iso_c_binding module. The rest of the differences are just language syntax.


To use this feature, insure you used the CMake compile method with the MATLAB install turned on. Using MoorDyn in MATLAB is similar to using it in Python. However, in MATLAB you must manually add the folder where the wrapper files are located to the path. To achieve this, in MATLAB go to the HOME menu, section ENVIRONMENT, and click on “Set Path”. In the window appearing click on “Add Folder…”, and set the folder that contains the contents of MoorDyn/build/wrappers/matlab/, which by default is:

  • C:Program Files (x86)MoorDynbin in Windows

  • /usr/lib in Linux and MacOS

After that you are good to go!

Considering the same example above, the resulting Matlab code would look like the following:

system = MoorDynM_Create('Mooring/lines.txt');

%% 3 coupled points x 3 components per point = 9 DoF
x = zeros(9,1);
xd = zeros(9,1);
%% Get the initial positions from the system itself
for i=1:3
    %% 4 = first fairlead id
    point = MoorDynM_GetPoint(system, i + 3);
    x(1 + 3 * (i - 1):3 * i) = MoorDynM_GetPointPos(point);

%% Setup the initial condition
MoorDynM_Init(system, x, xd);

%% Make the points move at 0.5 m/s to the positive x direction
for i=1:3
    xd(1 + 3 * (i - 1)) = 0.5;
t = 0.0;
dt = 0.5;
[t, f] = MoorDynM_Step(system, x, xd, t, dt);

%% Print the position and tension of the line nodes
n_lines = MoorDynM_GetNumberLines(system);
for line_id=1:n_lines
    line = MoorDynM_GetLine(system, line_id);
    n_nodes = MoorDynM_GetLineNumberNodes(line);
    for node_id=1:n_nodes
        pos = MoorDynM_GetLineNodePos(line, node_id - 1);
        ten = MoorDynM_GetLineNodeTen(line, node_id - 1);

%% Alright, time to finish!

It is fairly similar to Python. The functions do not return error codes, only the queried information. However, the functions do trigger exceptions that can be caught by Matlab. That feature should be used so that MoorDynM_Close() is called even if the execution fails.

Established couplings

MoorDyn-F with FAST.Farm

In FAST.Farm, a new ability to use MoorDyn at the array level to simulate shared mooring systems has been developed. It is described in An example of the full input file setup can be found at

General Organization

The regular ability for each OpenFAST instance to have its own MoorDyn simulation is unchanged in FAST.Farm. This ability can be used for any non-shared mooring lines in all cases. To enable simulation of shared mooring lines, which are coupled with multiple turbines, an additional farm-level MoorDyn instance has been added. This MoorDyn instance is not associated with any turbine but instead is called at a higher level by FAST.Farm. Attachments to different turbines within this farm-level MoorDyn instance are handled by specifying “TurbineN” as the type for any connections that are attached to a turbine, where “N” is the specific turbine number as listed in the FAST.Farm input file.

MoorDyn Input File

The following input file excerpt shows how connections can be specified as attached to specific turbines (turbines 3 and 4 in this example). When a connection has “TurbineN” as its type, it acts similarly to a “Vessel” type, where the X/Y/Z inputs specify the relative location of the fairlead on the platform. In the farm-level MoorDyn input file, “Vessel” connection types cannot be used because it is ambiguous which turbine they attach to.

----------------------- POINTS ----------------------------------------------
ID  Attachment     X       Y         Z        Mass    Volume     CdA   Ca
(-)       (-)        (m)     (m)       (m)      (kg)     (m^3)   (m^2)  (-)
1         Turbine3   10.0     0      -10.00      0        0        0     0
3         Turbine4  -10.0     0      -10.00      0        0        0     0
2         Fixed     267.0    80      -70.00      0        0        0     0
-------------------------- LINES --------------------------------------------
ID    LineType      AttachA  AttachB  UnstrLen  NumSegs  LineOutputs

(-)      (-)        (-)       (-)      (m)    (-)   (-)
1     sharedchain    1         2    300.0     20     p
2     anchorchain    1         3    300.0     20     p

In this example, Line 1 is a shared mooring line and Line 2 is an anchored mooring line that has a fairlead connection in common with the shared line. Individual mooring systems can be modeled in the farm-level MoorDyn instance as well.

FAST.Farm Input File

In the branch of FAST.Farm the supports shared mooring capabilities, several additional lines have been added to the FAST.Farm primary input file. These are highlighted in the example input file excerpt below

FAST.Farm v1.10.* INPUT FILE
Sample FAST.Farm input file
False              Echo               Echo input data to <RootName>.ech? (flag)
FATAL              AbortLevel         Error level when simulation should abort (string) {"WARNING", "SEVERE", "FATAL"}
2000.0             TMax               Total run time (s) [>=0.0]
False              UseSC              Use a super controller? (flag)
1                  Mod_AmbWind        Ambient wind model (-) (switch) {1: high-fidelity precursor in VTK format, 2: one InflowWind module, 3: multiple instances of InflowWind module}
2                  Mod_WaveField      Wave field handling (-) (switch) {1: use individual HydroDyn inputs without adjustment, 2: adjust wave phases based on turbine offsets from farm origin}
3                  Mod_SharedMooring  Shared mooring system model (-) (switch) {0: None, 3: MoorDyn}
--- SUPER CONTROLLER --- [used only for UseSC=True]
"SC_DLL.dll"       SC_FileName        Name/location of the dynamic library {.dll [Windows] or .so [Linux]} containing the Super Controller algorithms (quoated string)
--- SHARED MOORING SYSTEM --- [used only for Mod_SharedMooring > 0]
"FarmMoorDyn.dat"  FarmMoorDyn-File    Name of file containing shared mooring system input parameters (quoted string) [used only when Mod_SharedMooring > 0]
0.01               DT_Mooring         Time step for farm-level mooring coupling with each turbine (s) [used only when Mod_SharedMooring > 0]
--- AMBIENT WIND: PRECURSOR IN VTK FORMAT --- [used only for Mod_AmbWind=1]
2.0                DT_Low-VTK         Time step for low -resolution wind data input files  ; will be used as the global FAST.Farm time step (s) [>0.0]
0.3333333          DT_High-VTK        Time step for high-resolution wind data input files   (s) [>0.0]
"Y:\Wind\Public\Projects\Projects F\FAST.Farm\AmbWind\steady"          WindFilePath       Path name to VTK wind data files from precursor (string)
False              ChkWndFiles        Check all the ambient wind files for data consistency? (flag)
--- AMBIENT WIND: INFLOWWIND MODULE --- [used only for Mod_AmbWind=2 or 3]
2.0                DT_Low             Time step for low -resolution wind data interpolation; will be used as the global FAST.Farm time step (s) [>0.0]

Model Stability and Segment Damping

Two of the trickier input parameters are the internal damping (BA) for each line type, and the mooring simulation time step (dtM). Both relate to the discretization of the lines. The highest axial vibration mode of the lumped-mass cable representation would be when adjacent nodes oscillate out of phase with each other, as depicted below.

In this mode, the midpoint of each segment would not move. The motion of each node can then be characterized by mass-spring-damper values of

\[m=w L/N \; c=4NBA/L \; k=4NEA/L.\]

The natural frequency of this mode is then

\[\omega_n=\sqrt{k/m}=2/l \sqrt{EA/w}=2N/L \sqrt{EA/w}\]

and the damping ratio, ζ, is related to the internal damping coefficient, BA, by

\[\zeta =c/c_{crit} = B/l \sqrt{A/Ew} = NBA/L \sqrt{(1/EAw} \;\; BA=\zeta \frac{L}{N}\sqrt{EAw}.\]

The line dynamics frequencies of interest should be lower than ω_n in order to be resolved by the model. Accordingly, line dynamics at ω_n, which are likely to be dominated by the artificial resonance created by the discretization, can be damped out without necessarily impacting the line dynamics of interest. This is advisable because the resonances at ω_n can have a large impact on the results. To damp out the segment vibrations, a damping ratio approaching the critical value (ζ=1) is recommended. Care should be taken to ensure that the line dynamics of interest are not affected.

To simplify things, a desired line segment damping ratio can be specified in the input file. This is done by entering the negative of the desired damping ratio in the BA/-zeta field of the Line Types section. A negative value here signals MoorDyn to interpret it as a desired damping ratio and then calculate the damping coefficient (BA) for each mooring line that will give every line segment that damping ratio (accounting for possible differences in segment length between lines).

Note that the damping ratio is with respect to the critical damping of each segment along a mooring line, not with respect to the line as a whole or the floating platform as a whole. It is just a way of letting MoorDyn calculate the damping coefficient automatically from the perspective of damping non-physical segment resonances. If the model is set up right, this damping can have a negligible contribution to the overall damping provided by the moorings on the floating platform. However, if the damping contribution of the mooring lines on the floating platform is supposed to be significant, it is best to (1) set the BA value directly to ensure that the expected damping is provided and then (2) adjust the number of segments per line to whatever provides adequate numerical stability.


MoorDyn-F, is a core module within OpenFAST and is available in OpenFAST releases. Originally, it was coupled to a modified form of FAST v7.


WEC-Sim is currently coupled with MoorDyn v1. Support for the current version of MoorDyn-C v2, is in the process of being developed. The WEC-Sim source code can be found here.


After developing a coupling with MoorDyn, the DualSPHysics team has forked it in a seperate version called MoorDyn+, specifically dedicated to the coupling with DualSPHysics.